Educators and trainers can follow steps to deepen critical thinking throughout lessons using Bloom's Taxonomy. Critical thinking and social justice go hand-in-hand in education. Here's a simple way to create a social justice critical thinking lesson based upon an event in history and relating it to a topic today.
Critical Thinking Steps based upon Bloom's Taxonomy:
- Remember
- Interpret and Summarize
- Analysis
- Apply Knowledge
- Evaluation
For example:
- Remember: Recall everything you know about social justice and women's rights.
- Read/Summarize: Read and summarize an article/book about social justice in order to define one appropriate issue connected to a history curriculum and to students' prior knowledge, For example: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Right to Vote.
- Apply Knowledge: Students will select an issue about social justice/women's rights.
- Analysis: Arrange students in groups to analyze how Staton helped to solve the women's rights voting issue from the book above.
- Application: In the groups, apply similar methods to solve current issue by creating a list.
- Evaluation: Collect lists and redistribute to each group (each group get's their peer groups' list) to evaluate problem solving methods. Each group adds ideas to list.
- Repeat process by passing group list to a new group for them to add to the idea list.
Before doing this week's assignment, think about changing the reading in the example above to another social justice issue connected to history and change website for information about related issues today for students selection in order to create ideas for solving the challenge.
- Remember: Recall everything you know about social justice and women's rights.
- Read/Summarize: Read and summarize an article/book about social justice in order to define one appropriate issue connected to a history curriculum and to students' prior knowledge, For example: ___________________ (title related to a social justice issue of the past).
- Apply Knowledge: Students will select an article/teacher-made document list about the specific social justice issue described in the reading above that is current today. For example, ______________________________.
- Analysis: Arrange students in groups to analyze how issue can be solved.
- Application: In the groups, apply similar methods to solve current issue by creating a list.
- Evaluation: Collect lists and redistribute to each group (each group get's their peer groups' list) to evaluate problem solving methods. Each group adds ideas to list.
- Repeat process by passing group list to a new group for them to add to the idea list.
Create Master List of all issues to class to discuss vote on the best ideas for each issue. Graph data.
Please Add Ideas in Comments: What specific justice issue in history would you select articles for the above lesson template?